Build Your Simple & Affordable Photo Studio (Part-01)
In this post, we will show you what you will need to build your own photo studio. A simple and yet affordable photo studio in the comfort of your own home. We’ll provide you the setup by example and show you how all things come together to form a photo studio. No complex equipment, or constructions and everything set up within minutes. Ready to shoot some professional product images!
Everything you need is right here
What do we need and are these things expensive? No way, some are even free or you could
already have them laying around. Below you will find a list of six basic items you are going to
need to set up your in-house photo studio. After you’re done setting up, you’re ready to go and
start shooting some amazing product images.
Ok, easy does it. Some basic items like a room, a table and the six other items of which you
have probably some laying around in your cellar, attic or some other storage room. So, clear
the dust, and we’re building our own photo studio.
1. Window for Photo Studio
As promised, we’re going to keep it simple. But what’s simple about building a photo studio?
Have you ever used external lighting to shoot product images? That’s quite hard and sure, you
have more control but also more settings to tweak before getting it right when using an
external lighting source.
Aside from the steep learning curve, money is also on the table when external lighting sources
are used. And if you want good equipment, there will be a significant cost attached to it.
Why the window? You’ve guessed it. We’re going to use the sun. It’s free and moreover, it
provides a great natural light source for shooting product images. When using the sun we need
to take just a couple of things into account. First of all, make sure enough sunlight is entering
the room, hence a sufficiently large window is beneficial. Make sure your setup is positioned
close enough towards the window. Secondly, make sure no direct sunlight (sub-beams or rays)
are hitting your photo studio setup, as this will have a large negative effect on the outcome of
your photos.
2. Camera for Photo Studio
A camera, the most expensive item you will need but no camera, no photography. But not to
worry, an old compact camera or your smartphone can get you far. Nowadays, it seems
exceptional that neither is at your disposal so don’t run to store just yet.
In the case that you are planning to shoot a lot of amazing product images, a great asset is DSLR
(digital single-lens reflex) camera. Many models exist, ranging from basic to professional
models but take it from us, with a mid-level DSLR camera you’ll be set for many years to come
and countless amazing product images.
For completeness, we are using a DSLR camera, more specific a Nikon D3300 but any other
device will do. One extra tip, if you have none or little experience with photography then give it a
try with your smartphone and when really convinced of shooting a significant amount of
images, get yourself a DSLR, a basic model will be just fine.
3. Tripod for Photo Studio
A tripod is something you will definitely need. Give it a try without and you try to position your
camera on a table, adjust the correct height with some books or something else and start
shooting. From experience, the joy in photography ends right here.
We could sum up multiple reasons why you will need a tripod but the two most important are
stability and flexibility. Locking your camera into position will stabilize the shoot and gives you
the freedom to play around with the setup of your photo studio. You now have the freedom
to adjust, turn or relocate your product during the shoot because your hands are free.
Secondly, stability is key when shooting images, certainly when stepping up your game with a DSLR camera and settings like for instance the shutter speed needs to be adjusted and your
a tripod makes sure you can go all the way with these settings.